Saturday, March 1, 2008


New Bracelets....

My new beads came in, got a smokin' deal on them and the colors are gorgeous!

I love stone jewelry! These pictures dont do the colors justice!


  1. those are just SO awesome !!!!!!!

  2. stunning! I love the clasp on the one.

  3. Thanks!
    I have been going crazy on ebay lately, and I ordered some new things to do "altered art" stuff....I realized later that it is the same type of blank charm stuff that Cime uses to make her awesome pendants. I wanted to do some charm bracelets.....this will be totally new to me! I ordered the sealant to cover the little pictures too. Those will sell like crazy here if I can figure out how to do them! I have been buying and saving charms for a couple of years.
    I think I have quite a bit of weird stuff I can use around here....I never throw stuff away if it looks like something I can use in jewelry later,,,,all kinds of old jewelry pieces and findings I pick up at yard sales too!


Share your comments, crafts, and ideas


Kath was my best friend, even during her addictions, her confusion, her instability. I remember who she REALLY was... a loving, compasionate, giving, funny-as-hell, kick ass woman. Kathy... I love and miss you so much . My heart hurts because I couldn't help you and had to detach. I was so honored that ya waited for me to be with you when you crossed over. Keep on kickin' ass on the other side babe.

Altered things...I love doing this!!! (SOLD)

Altered things...I love doing this!!! (SOLD)
Do-Dad drawers

~Unlocked Heart~

~Unlocked Heart~
I made this necklace with re-purposed vintage jewelry along with some charms and glass beads