Friday, October 10, 2008

Havelinas in our yard!

Living out in the country never ceases to amaze me. There have been 3 havelinas hanging out in in our garden, eating our tomatoes, snorting around our yards. When I took this picture, they just stood there staring at me and then went back to their snacking on my weeds!

1 comment:

  1. Bacon !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe not :P Here the wildlife has come city critters adn more than annoying to my garden


Share your comments, crafts, and ideas


Kath was my best friend, even during her addictions, her confusion, her instability. I remember who she REALLY was... a loving, compasionate, giving, funny-as-hell, kick ass woman. Kathy... I love and miss you so much . My heart hurts because I couldn't help you and had to detach. I was so honored that ya waited for me to be with you when you crossed over. Keep on kickin' ass on the other side babe.

Altered things...I love doing this!!! (SOLD)

Altered things...I love doing this!!! (SOLD)
Do-Dad drawers

~Unlocked Heart~

~Unlocked Heart~
I made this necklace with re-purposed vintage jewelry along with some charms and glass beads